Druzy Moon Plant Mobile

Druzy Moon Plant Mobile


Blue Druzy Moon Plant Mobile

One of a kind

  • Brass, Jade Buddha + Druzy Moon

  • Hangs 28”

Our hanging air plant mobiles are 100% hand assembled by us. We suggest handling with care and hanging them from a sturdy hook from the ceiling.

Air Plant Care: Completely drench your Tillandsias 2-3 times per week on average. Optimum temperature range is between 60 - 90 degrees F. Tillandsias can survive without fertilizer, though a plant benefiting from a fertilizer regimen will grow, bloom, and produce offsets (pups) more vigorously. We prefer to use reverse osmosis water with a dilute solution of fertilizer every time we water, though drinking water is also good. Do not use reverse osmosis water or distilled water without adding some fertilizer as this water by its self can be harmful to Tillandsias. Completely dry out upside down.

We do not guaranteed air plants as they can be very finicky plants. We suggest following care instructions to properly care for your air plant. Faux airplants or succulents also look great in these mobiles (for those without a green thumb)

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